Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dresses and venues

Internet access is rare here but Dolce trio always wants to update all readers about our adventure. It´s now time for "the dolce dresses and venues." 

We have three different outfits and venues that we change between. In Manhattan Room we sit on a stage in the "lime light" and with microphones for all instruments. Here we can do all the dynamics we want in the music. In the other two venues it´s quite noisy and we only have to rely on our acoustic sound. In Taste, on deck 5, we sit directly under the big chandelier and people from deck 6 and 7 kan look down and enjoy our music from the balconies/open space above us.

Henrik in Manhattan Room

Under the big chandelier in Taste surrounded by dining guests

Taste Restaurant with the "Dolce dresses". Me and Bea went shopping in Gothenburg and found these lovely dresses. They are the same design but different colours. Both crew and guests give a lot of complements to us when we wear them.

Atrium close to the reception, deck 5. Here are some pics of the beige outfits.

In Atrium we sit between the reception area and a lounge with comfortable chairs and a café/bar. People come and go, stand for a few minutes to listen or sit down and enjoy a whole set. 

Taste, now with black concert dresses 



Manhattan Room with a great view

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