Now it's a while since we've written anything here at Dolce blog. At the moment we are sitting at a sports bar in Barcelona and will soon move into our fourth week on the boat. It is no longer so confusing to navigate around the boat and we start to get used to our new habits. Last week Sofia's parents came visiting. Very nice to have friends and family on board. Sofia had a chance to explore the various ports and Henrik and I continued with training. This week the safety training continous. Yesterday, we learned basic first aid and this week we will learn how to operate fire extinguishers and in Palma jump into the sea from deck 4 to learn how to turn a liferaft. Although the training takes a lot of time is quite interesting and important to learn. Since Sofia has spent much time with her family, Henrik and I had many meals together. On Friday we were dining at "Moderno". Moderno is a Brazilian meat restaurant. They have 10 different meat dishes, great salad buffet and sides for the meat. One is equipped with a card with a green and a red side. When you want more meat you turn your card to green and then a waiter will come and cut off a piece of meat. It was an evening of a lot of food because you want to taste all meat types. It was incredibly good! We will definitely recommend Moderno to all who plan to visit the Norwegian EPIC. We are often asked by visitors and those working on the ship if we feel comfortable and enjoy working there and the answer is that it is the nice people on the ship that makes the whole experience. This week we had a fantastic audience. They make all the work worth it. This week we got our first tip and a small gift from Japan. Next week is the Nicelodeon week at the ship and Spongebob and his friends will be going around everywhere and entertain 2,000 children. Here are a few pictures of our last experiences.
Sofia and Beatrice in Naples for the first time. Our "home" in the background.
Sofia tasting real pizza in Naples
A typical sidestreet in Naples and also the pizzaretsaurant we visited.
The Epic celebrated it's 1 year birthday last week and arranged a crew party in the Manhattan Room.
A happy trio celebrating Epic's Birthday.
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