The staff of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Gothenburg held a dinner reception last Thursday to end the study year, and Dolce Trio was invited to play. It's the end of term here in Sweden and students are rarely seen in the school corridors this time of year. The university officially closes for summer holidays around mid June but most courses ended way earlier.
It's always nice to play in an academic environment. The building "Humanisten" (named after the field of subjects, the humanities) share the same campus area as Dolce Trio's old music college - the Academy of Music and Drama.
We had a great night and the professors seemed to enjoy our music. It's safe to say Dolce Trio haven't performed as frequently (6 nights a week) since being on the NCL Epic in the Mediterranean a few years ago, and I've missed playing our repertoire. Every time u turn the page it's like meeting and "old friend". Some more dear than others of course haha.
Dolce Trio wishes every one of you a great start of the summer holidays!